Course Pack: SADC March 2023


The Southern African Development Community (SADC), an economic community established in 1992, is currently made up of fourteen active member countries including South Africa. Its mission and goal are to promote sustainable and equitable economic growth and socio- economic development. Despite the progress in achieving its objectives, it is still difficult doing business in most SADC nations, according to the World Bank (2016)’s “Doing Business” report. These difficulties have been attributed to lack of stability and unpredictability of macroeconomic policy, and the unfavorable investment climate across member states as reported in Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (2012) survey report.


South Africa, the second largest economy in Africa, contributing about 24% of Africa’s GDP and highly integrated within the global economy, is not an exception to these challenges. However, it stands out clearly as the economic beacon of Africa and spearheads the economic development agenda within the SADC zone. What makes SA unique and attracts a broad scope of foreign investors are good telecommunication links with a highly developed economy infrastructure, global competitiveness and industrial capability, and cutting-edge technology, which is of significance to international companies. This positions SA as the key investment destination, both for commercial opportunities within its borders and the potential it offers as a ‘springboard’ to setting up business operations on the African continent.


Botswana, a neighbour of SA and active member of SADC, has also achieved rapid economic growth with stability since independence in 1966, mainly through the supportive interrelation between an open market economy and a system of elite democracy. Botswana with a current population of 2.5 million people had a GDP of about 18.5 billion USD in 2022, and was once the world’s fastest growing economy which was attributed largely to the heavy deposit of diamonds. It currently struggles to attract foreign investors needed to make a difference in broadening the structure of the economy due to some business environment issues, such as, education and narrow labour skills. In addition, the size of the Botswana market, bureaucratic delays in business documentations, regulatory constraints, high cost of internet and energy are some of the market challenges commonly cited. Despite these challenges, Botswana remains one of the unique and attractive business destinations within the SADC region. Some of the market opportunities, include, but are not limited to, the mining, beef, and the energy sector. Botswana is considered politically and economically stable with low levels of corruption.


It is vital to understand SA’s business and socio-economic culture and that of other countries such as neighboring Botswana due to the increasing trade relations activities. This course provides on-field learning that will expose students to a unique experience covering the following key issues:

• The history, social-cultural background, and political economy of SA, Namibia and Botswana;
• South African companies’ experience with Botswana and Namibia;
• China’s increasing interest and influence in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana;
• Namibia and Botswana’s economic success and challenges;
• The risks of and opportunities for doing business in SA, Namibia and Botswana;
• The central role of politics in business;
• Policy reforms enhancing economic growth and aiding the ease of doing business in SA, Namibia and Botswana;
• The rapid rise of private enterprise and the specific challenges facing beneficiation in both countries; and

• The special and evolving characteristic of Namibia and Botswana’s capital markets and related risks;
• The emergence of an increasingly powerful middle class and its impact on the consumer market and corporate social responsibility.

This study tour will provide students with exposure to different economies and cultures in various destinations. It is designed to expose the student to different organisations in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia including business schools, government agencies, state owned enterprises and private corporations.


At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Develop contemporary knowledge about business practices, in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia which will assist them to appraise the basics and standard protocol of interactions with the business environment in these countries.
  • Critically assess, the South Africa, Botswana and Namibia economy and determine their strengths and weaknesses for doing business.
  • Compare and contrast different cultures and the way of life of Botswana and Namibia in relation to South Africa and Africa as a whole.
  • Evaluate and analyse business models of selected company examples in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia.

Curriculum tied to the context in South Africa

The study tour draws on various South African companies experience in various markets. Here the extensive use of company site visits shows comparisons between the companies’ operations in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia.


Curriculum tied to context in African and other dynamic emerging market economies

The overarching objective is to identify the opportunities for growth of the African continent as well as its challenges such as the slow-down of China economy and the associated drop in commodity prices. It maps these global issues to the level of individual African countries and major firms therein, thus enabling students to begin to address these issues at a management level.



With the use of company and institution visits, the study tour addresses the optimality of overall resource allocation in economies and its role in economic systems such as free markets, command economies, and mixtures thereof in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia


Entrepreneurial action

The institution and company visits provide insight into innovation and entrepreneurial action and (managed) risk-taking thus enabling students to make decisions at a management level.


Critical engagement

By focusing on examples of successful and unsuccessful business ventures in Africa and emerging markets, the course enables the student to acquire a better perspective on foreseeable and unforeseeable consequences of action and business decisions


This study tour underlies all other MBA courses as it contributes to the overall MBA qualification by providing a capstone integrated learning experience, whereby students can bring to bear their knowledge of the whole MBA programme. This knowledge will allow them to analyse a foreign economy and businesses in that economy. In addition, this course directly supports the core themes of the MBA in terms of critical engagement, context of South Africa, and also issues of sustainability.


Decisions and methodologies which students are exposed to in their company visits and cultural in country interactions – from Strategy to HR to Operations to Marketing – are expressed as the underlying issues and learnings of this course

Course assesment and assignments

Learning Contract

Please note, all visits and events on the global study tour are MANDATORY. Please refer to the standing orders regarding the tours. As a student you should review the Learning Contract and ensure you are fully aware of the methods and implications of the assessment approach as mark allocations cannot be changed retrospectively. If you have any concerns about the assessment you should raise this with your tour leader at the start of the course.


The Importance of Preparation for the Study Tour

The above readings should be read before departure. Students should also research on the companies that will be visited. The scope of this course covers a wide range of topics, thus a variety of readings have been carefully selected to provide different perspectives. It is essential that students focus on these readings and embark on company research. Appended with the readings are the links for ease of access. However, should you encounter any problems with the links provided consult the WITS library e-journals catalogue or consult the WBS Librarian.


Teaching Methods

Teaching emphasis in the MBA Global Study Tour is experiential and involves on-site action learning. The tour itself would entail visits to one or more destinations to provide broader international learning exposure for the student. Students should keep a learning log on insights that they gain from each business or organisation that they visit, and these logs are used for debrief sessions during the tour as well as to compile a post-study tour assignment on what they have learnt.


Copyright Statement

The articles, readings and cases included in this course pack have been copyright approved.


Learning Contract

Please note, all visits and events on the global study tour are MANDATORY. Please refer to the standing orders regarding the tours. As a student you should review the Learning Contract and ensure you are fully aware of the methods and implications of the assessment approach as mark allocations cannot be changed retrospectively. If you have any concerns about the assessment, you should raise this with your tour leader at the start of the course.

The course assessments will be weighted as follows:

  • 75% Individual assignment
  • 25% On-field syndicate assignment
    No examination

Please note: A student is required to sign and attach the WBS Plagiarism Declaration to each assignment submitted


Pass Mark Requirements

In terms of the Standing Orders, to pass a course a student is required to achieve a final accumulative average of 50% for a pass mark, and a subminimum of 35% in the examination. When an assignment is an exam equivalent, failure to submit on time will result in a student being ‘failed absent’, with the result that the student will be failed off the programme.

This assignment relates to the following MBA themes: Context in African and other dynamic emerging market economies, sustainability, and entrepreneurial action.

Purpose: Based on the above MBA core themes, students will be exposed to experiential and on site learning, thus students will need to contextualise the selected country and company in line with strategic management decisions.

Requirement: Choose ONE of the following assignments.

  1. Provide a PESTLE ANALYSIS of a South African company entering into Namibia and


  1. Provide a country risk profile for a company (choose one) of your choice (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana).


  1. Formulate a Business plan for a South African idea that could be sold in Namibia and/or Botswana.


  1. Please discuss your “take home learnings” from the trip:
    1. Discuss what you did learn from the amazing race, what was new or different from what you have experienced Please include pictures to illustrate this.
    2. Please discuss each business meeting: Give some background information about the company and the environment that it operates in. Please highlight your key learning points from each meeting (at least 3 per meeting)
    3. Please discuss any other key learning points that you gained from going on this trip. (this can be anything you learnt either about yourself, the country, the people, your fellow travelers or anything not covered in the two points above.


  • The presentation can be in any format you desire be it PowerPoint slides, word document, or any other format you wish to use.
  • A 2000-word essay
  • Please email your individual final assignments to your tour leaders and copy in your communication. Please also attach your plagiarism declaration. The subject line of the email should read: your first name, last name, and SADC final individual assignment. 
  • Use 5 line spacing and 11-point Arial font
  • Please ensure that you reference correctly as per WBS guidelines

Penalty for late submission: For every calendar day, or part thereof, that the assignment is late, 10% will be deducted from your mark.

Mark allocation Criterion

Allocation Mark

Application to the integration of theories developed and learnt throughout the MBA programme: 30 Marks

Application of the theory to the relevant case study selected: 30 Marks

Research and use of relevant data to complement situation analysis: 30 Marks

Presentation: Referencing, style, etc.: 10 Marks

TOTAL: 100 Marks

The purpose of this assignment is for you to think quickly on your feet. It’s fun and interesting. You will be put in a syndicate group and will need to work as a team. The purpose of this assignment requires you to think out of the box and familiarize yourself with the environment. As a suggestion, download maps, know the history of the country, all online attractions, and all modes of transport.
At the end of this exercise, each syndicate group must provide the following:

  1. A brief report on the success, challenges and lessons learnt during the exercise (maximum 500 words).
  2. Pictures of the locations visited and any other thing of interest relevant to the task.
  3. A short video summarizing the core of the assignment (professional editing not needed)
  4. Provide receipts for the use of public transport and/or special facilities during the exercise.

Provide all the above (except receipts on a memory stick).

Mark allocation: 25% (Criterion will be provided on the day of the field-based assignment/amazing race)

South Africa
• SADC Business Case Study (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (2012) survey report)
• Doing business in South Africa
• Sachs, J., and A. Warner (1997). ‘Sources of Slow Growth in African Economies’, Journal of African Economies, 6 (3): 335-76
• Bräutigam, D., Rakner, L., & Taylor, S. (2002). Business associations and growth coalitions in Sub-Saharan Africa.. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 40(04),519- 547.

• World Bank (2022),
• Doing business in Botswana,
• Good, K. (2008) ‘Interpreting the Exceptionality of Botswana’, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 30(1), pp. 69–95. exceptionality-of-botswana/1F6FC12627046BFC7DA85CAE4B47122A
• Acemoglu, Daron and Johnson, Simon and Robinson, James A., An African Success Story: Botswana (February 2002). CEPR Discussion Paper No. 3219. Available at SSRN:
• Iimi, Atsushi, Did Botswana Escape from the Resource Curse? (June 2006). IMF Working Paper, No. 06/138, pp. 1-33, 2006. Available at SSRN: abstract=910703
• Bloom, D., Sachs, J., Collier, P., & Udry, C. (1998). Geography, Demography, and Economic Growth in Africa
• Harvey, C. (1992). Botswana: is the economic miracle over? Journal of African Economies, 1(3), 335-368
• Hope, K. R. (1996). Growth, unemployment and poverty in Botswana. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 14(1), 53-67.

• World Bank (2022), Doing Business Report
• chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ business-in-namibia-and-botswan.pdf
• risk?utm_campaign=7015d000002v6jk&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_content=World-Bank- Displacement&utm_term=world%20bank%20doing%20business%20index&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzuGz8fjP- gIVRLDtCh1gDgvWEAAYASAAEgKKp_D_BwE

Individual Assignment:

Submission Deadline: 09 April 2023

Return Deadline: 16 April 2023

Mark allocation 75%


Syndicate Assignment:

Submission Deadline: 2 April 2023

Return Deadline: 09 April 2023

Mark allocation 25%


Penalty for late submission: For every calendar day, or part thereof, that the assignment is late, 10% will be deducted from your mark.

Additional Info and Contact Details

Sandown Travel

Ursuala Tadford Craig


Tel: 011-506- 5600

Emergency after hours: +82-654-0664



Address: Masa Square New Cbd, Cnr 1st &, Western Commercial Rd. Gaborone, Botswana Phone: +267 315 9954



Address: Gustav Voigts Centre, 129 Independence Ave, Windhoek, Namibia Phone: +267 61 280 0000



Address:64 New Church St, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town 8018 Phone: 021 488 2555

South African High Commission in Botswana Plot 29, Queens Road, Gaborone, Botswana, Tel: +267 3904 800

+267 3904 801

South African High Commission in Namibia

RSA House

Cnr Nelson Mandela & Jan Jonker Street Windhoek

Tel: 264 61 205 7111

Tour Leaders:

Dr Fanny Saruchera

Dr Saruchera joined Wits Business School as a Senior Lecturer in Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Although he is more of an inter-disciplinarian in commerce, Fanny’s research and pedagogic interests include; logistics-marketing interconnectedness, consumer mythology, innovation management and commercialisation, customer and supplier relationship management, operations and logistics management, among other related themes. With more than fifteen years’ experience, Fanny combines an exceptional flare of industrial and academic exposure within diverse cultural environments. He has worked in various capacities, including customer service and business development in the private sector. He has also assumed various lectureships, academic leadership and programme coordination positions in top Botswana, Zimbabwe and Namibian tertiary institutions. Dr Saruchera has held various visiting lectureship positions in various African countries. He has published and co-published more than fifteen research papers in various refereed journals, a monograph, and six book chapters. He has edited a book on Global transitions, published by IGI Global (USA). Besides being an Associate Editor of the RAE – Journal of Business Management (ISSI & Scopus-indexed; Brazil), Fanny is also a reviewer for various top journals, including the Journal of International Consumer Marketing (USA), Journal of Transport & Supply Chain Management (South Africa) and the Journal of Economics (India). He has presented at various academic and non-academic forums, conferences and seminars, by invitation, in Botswana, Germany, Kenya, Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe. He has also run successful management consultancy projects and workshops in various fields, including strategic planning, train-the-trainer, marketing, logistics, procurement and supply chain management in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Educated with a combination of British, South African and Zimbabwean training, Fanny is a FIATA-certified international Trainer in Freight Forwarding, Logistics and Supply Chain Management – a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CMILT), South Africa. He is also an Associate member of the Southern Africa Institute of Marketing (SAIM), and member of the Southern African Institute for Management Scientists (SAIMS), the Association of Consumer Research (ACR), USA, and the Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA).


Dr Pius Oba


Dr Oba is a leading engineer and seasoned operations management, digital technology and energy expert with over 25 years of high level technical, business, research and management experience in power, oil & gas, supply chain and manufacturing, both in South Africa and abroad.


Dr Oba, holds a doctorate degree (PhD) in Industrial Engineering from University of the Witwatersrand, an MBA from the Wits Business School and LLB from Unisa, among other engineering certificates and qualifications. He is a registered professional engineer with the engineering council of South Africa (ECSA) and among the few engineers in South Africa registered in the International Register of Engineers (IntPE). Engineering, business and legal background has given him exposure and the capacity to work on highly complex projects. Presently, Senior Lecturer at the Wits Business School in the Technology and Operations Management (TOM) team.


Dr Oba started his career at Shell Petroleum Development Company, in 1992 as trainee engineer and progressed to senior engineer responsible for pipeline projects and new venture creation. Thereafter, he joined Wits University as a Lecturer in the School of Mechanical Engineering for about 5 years and from there to the CSIR. His experience at the CSIR and involvement within academia as a lecturer in the School of Mechanical Engineering helped him build strong research capacity and collaborations across industries. He then joined Eskom from the CSIR, where he managed a team of specialist and engineers as section manager and Chief Engineer and implemented knowledge sharing processes in a highly complex environment, as well as processes for optimal project management. In 2013, he joined General Electric (GE) – Oil & Gas, where he worked as African Region Manager overseeing capital drilling equipment remanufacturing. In the role, he re-engineered the machinery maintenance business model, saving the company huge amount of money. This model was then adopted in other territories of the business. In the role he was able to create strong teams of competent individuals who were focused on delivery.


Dr Oba has supervised a number of postgraduate students and published a number of papers in reputable journals.


Contact information

011 717 3976

Tour Schedule

This schedule is subject to change without prior notice and is to be read in conjunction with your travel itinerary.

Date: 1 March 2023
Time: 17h00-18h00

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 3689 4608
Passcode: 555747






Thursday, 16 March 2023


Day 1












Depart for company visit



Company visit: Canabis Farm



SAB plant Tour (programme & dress code to be shared)  






Venue: Canabis Farm



Venue: SAB Limited



Friday, 17 March 2020

Day 2











Depart for company visit



Company visit: CoJ Sustainability Projects tour

(programme & dress code to be shared)


Lunch at own cost


Preparations for regional travel




Venue: CoJ Project Sites










Saturday, 18 March 2023

Day 3














Depart for O.R. TAMBO International Airport


Flight departure: OR TAMBO International

Flight: 4Z170 – Airlink


Arrive: Gaborone Sir Seretse Khama    International Airport


Pick-up bus to Masa Square Hotel


Accommodation: Check-in @ 18 March; Check-out @ 21 March 2023


Game Drive & Welcome Braai @ 16h00



O.R. TAMBO International Airport






Venue: Masa Square Hotel, Gaborone





Venue: Mokolodi Nature Reserve


Sunday, 19 March 2023

Day 4







Breakfast at the hotel


Amazing race



Rest, leisure, Dinner @ own cost

Venue: Masa Square Hotel, Gaborone


Venue: City of Gaborone




Monday, 20 March 2023

Day 5














Breakfast at the hotel



Debswana Corporate



Company visit: Botswana Investment & Trade Centre (BITC)


Company visit: Choppies Botswana

Choppies HQ


Company visit: Imara Capital Securities

Dinner @ own cost & leisure

Venue: Masa Square Hotel, Gaborone


Venue: Plot 54351, Central Business District, Gaborone


Venue: Plot 54351, Central Business District, Gaborone


Venue: Plot 169, GICP (Commerce Park), Gaborone

Venue: Office 3A, 3rd Floor Masa Centre, Plot 54353, New CBD



Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Day 6




















Breakfast at the hotel

Check-out from the hotel

Transfer to the Airport



Flight departure: Gaborone – Sir Seretse Khama International Airport

Flight: 4Z175: Gaborone > Johannesburg


Flight: 4Z128: Johannesburg > Windhoek

Arrive: Windhoek – Hosea Kutako International Airport

Pick-up bus to AVANI Windhoek Hotel & Casino, Windhoek


Accommodation: Check-in @ 21 March; check out @ 24 March 2023


Dinner @ own cost & leisure

Venue: Masa Square Hotel, Gaborone














Venue: AVANI Windhoek Hotel & Casino, Windhoek, Namibia








Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Day 6















Breakfast at the hotel



Company visit: Dinapama Manufacturing & Supplies



Company visit: NAMPOWER



City & Township cultural tour – Including Kapana Tasting



Venue: AVANI Windhoek Hotel & Casino, Windhoek, Namibia


Venue: Erf 744, Simmentaler Street, Northern Industrial Area, Windhoek, Namibia 


Venue: NamPower Conventional Centre, 15 Luther Street, Windhoek, Namibia


Thursday, 23 March 2023

Day 7















Breakfast at the hotel


Company visit: Hartlief Corporation Ltd.: Factory Tour (TBC)



Company visit: Harold Pupkewitz GSB, NUST



Networking Lunch


Free Adventure




Venue: 1 Ruhr Street, Northern Industrial Area, Windhoek



Venue: NUST, Windhoek West



Venue: NUST Hotel School



Friday, 24 March 2023

Day 9








Check out from the hotel


Leave hotel to the Airport


Depart: Windhoek – Hosea Kutako International Airport

Flight: 4Z329 

Venue: Hilton Hotel, Rev Michael Scott Street, Windhoek, Namibia








Friday, 24 March 2023

Day 9














Arrive: Cape Town International Airport

Quick Transfer to Hotel to drop bags



Company visit:  Koeberg Nuclear Plant (KNP)



 Accommodation: Check-in @ 24 March; Check-out @ 26 March, 2023


Free time& leisure; Dinner @ own cost





Venue: KNP Visitors Centre, R27  West Coast Road  Melkbosstrand  7441


Venue: Garden Court, Victoria Junction, Cape Town




Saturday, 25 March 2023

Day 10








Breakfast at the hotel


Cultural visit: FD Cape Highlights Tour

Lunch and wine tasting at the same venue


Farewell Dinner          

Venue: Garden Court, Cape Town


Venue:  Cape Town & Stellenbosch


Venue: TBC


Sunday, 26 March 2023

Day 11










Breakfast at the hotel


Check out from the hotel

Lunch @ own cost


Transfer to the Airport


Depart: Cape Town International Airport

Flight: 4Z920 – Airlink

Venue: Garden Court, Cape Town




Arrive: OR TAMBO International Airport

End of Tour! Goodbye!



You can close the menu and use the Zoom in and out buttons to get a better view

Company visits and activities

  1. Natura Brasil

  2. The B3 Stock Exchange
    Site :

  3. Ahoy! Berlin – Sao Paulo co-working space

  4. Globant Software Development – Buenos Aires

Student Commitments

Legal Declaration of Indemnity, Undertaking and Consent
  1. The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (hereafter referred to as ‘the University’) has insured itself for its liability arising from the acts and omissions of persons acting on its behalf, and that its registered students, staff and individuals who are subject to the University’s rules, regulations, policies, procedures and standing orders as amended from time to time are insured during the course and scope of their registered courses and/or within the scope of University’s business. This is subject to the proviso that the University’s maximum liability will be limited, whether for a single or multiple events, to the extent that is covered thereof;
  2. When the University arranges for me to travel to locations which are outside of the University’s precincts, and when traveling in vehicles which do not belong to the University’s and/or are not driven by University staff, I will enjoy only such cover as referred to in Section 1 above, provided that I depart and travel from the University’s precincts and return to it from an excursion arrange by the University, on a route agreed upon in advance by the University;
  3. In cases where no fault can be attributed to the University, I hereby indemnify, absolve and hold harmless the University, its officials, employees, students and invitees in respect of any damage the property, death or bodily injury to/of myself and/or third parties, whether on/off the University precincts, or whilst engaged in any related activity to the University abroad; and
  4. I understand that I attend and participate in the WBS Global Study Tour in various designated countries around the world during specified periods at my own risk where the event falls outside the cover provided to or by the University.
  5. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the contents of this indemnity in every respect.
This document is applicable to all modes of delivery of the Global Study Tour from 2017 onward. 

Assessment Policy
All assignments, including the attendance of the Amazing Race and all scheduled visits to businesses, other organisations and cultural activities, is compulsory.

Failure to comply with this policy will result in an automatic failure off this course. A record of attendance at each prescribed tour activity will be kept by the Tour Leader and will be submitted to the International Office as a formal record for student assessment. Should a student fail (including as a result of non-attendance and failure to participate), the tour will have to be repeated.

A candidate who has not completed all the requirements for this tour by the end of the minimum period of study and who is permitted in terms of Senate Standing Orders to continue will be required to register again for this tour at the beginning of the following academic year and pay the relevant fee.

Registration for the Global Study Tour
A candidate is required to register and pay in advance for the Study Tour in order to be admitted to complete the course.

If a candidate wishes to amend his/her selection of destination, a prescribed period of time will be permitted as indicated by the Global Study Tour Coordinator. However, no changes to selection of destination will be entertained once confirmed.

International Applicants
Applications from international exchange and immersion students are welcome. All international students need to conform with the University’s requirements and the South African legislation that pertains to such students.

Credits towards MBA or MM to other degrees
Students may be granted credits for this tour at international partner schools however please note that the granting of credits is based on the credit weighting exchange between the WBS MBA and other international programmes.

Pass mark for this course
In order to pass the study tour, a student must obtain a minimum of 50% as a final mark subject to the subminimum rule.

Students must register for the Global Business Study Tour (BUSA 7442A) in order to pay the travel component cost for the study tour. Students will be advised as to the Rand value that has to be paid for the study tour of their choice. The deadline for the choice of study tour and payments will be communicated to students by the School’s International Office. Failure to pay the full fee for the Global Study Tour in advance or failure to attend the tour for whatever reason will still hold the student liable for the full amount as indicated for the selected tour package. Please note that fees may not involve the same costing as certain travel destinations are cheaper than others. Also note that whenever indicated students will be responsible for their own transport and cost of meals and incidentals on each tour. Tour leaders do not carry additional funds to allow for students who do not make personal provision for their own expenses.

Allocation of Marks
The mark composition for each assignment will comprise a combination of marks awarded for assignment projects and field work, both individual and syndicate work. The mark allocation for the course is detailed in the course pack.

Syndicates may apply to have non-performing members excluded from the syndicate mark for their assignment, or have a portion of the total mark allocated to the non-performing student.

Publication of Final Course Results
The results of the global study tour will be published by the Faculty Office as soon as possible, normally within four weeks from assignment submission.

Disputes and Grievances
Any disputes or grievances that arise as a result of the application of, or failure to apply, the provisions of these Standing Orders should be managed within the Faculty’s existing appeals and grievance procedure. Problems should always be resolved as close to the source as possible. The grievance procedure policy and applicable forms are available from the Faculty Office.

Code of Conduct
All students will abide by the daily dress code as indicated by the Tour Leader depending on the daily schedule of events and places visited.

Students are also advised that whilst they are encouraged to enjoy the tour, they are reminded that they are participating in a Wits Study Tour programme and are not traveling for their own leisure purposes. As such, the prime focus is on teaching and learning and at all times students will need to participate in all prescribed activities and field visits.

Students are advised to heed the guidance and instruction of the designated Tour Leader on each trip. In addition, students are advised to serve as professional ambassadors of Wits University and the Wits Business School at all times whilst on tour. Students are also advised to download a copy of the Wits Student Code of Conduct to familiarise themselves with the policy.

During visits, students are to ensure that all mobile phones are switched off.
Students are to be punctual for all visits, failure to attend a visit without a valid reason will render your attendance as incomplete.

Failure to adhere to the above could result in a disciplinary action being lodged against the student.

Recording of Global Study Tour Activities
Business visit sessions may only be recorded (by audio, images or video) with the express written permission of that organisation. Students will be required to agree in writing that:

    • recordings will only be used for purposes of their own private study and revision;
    • recordings will not be copied, shared, communicated, published or distributed in any format whatsoever and using any medium whatsoever, unless requested to do so by the lecturer;
    • unedited copies recordings will be provided to the lecturer if requested to do so; and
    • Copyright of all recordings remain the property of the University.

It is noted that infringement of any of these conditions may result in disciplinary action being taken against the student.

NB: To be completed before you leave.